Welcome to Ayush's MySpace page

This WideBody Boeing 777-300 ER plane is dedicated to my friend Lakshya who loves Computer Science and Formula 1.
(Big Shoutout)

This MacBook Pro 2013 Model is dedicated to my friend Soumya who is a big fan of Apple Inc.
(Shoutout Again)

This Bank of America Teddy Bear is dedicated to my friend Shiv who is a big fan of Capital One.
(Another Shoutout)

Hey! Welcome to my "MySpace" page and feel free to checkout my links and get to know a little about me and about this page. I really miss websites like these which are really static and ancient. These websites also reminds us about our past and how far we have come with regards to browsing experience.

Things i loved about the 90's and early 2000's:

Friends Major
Soumya Computer Science
Lakshya Aerospace Engineering
Shiv Computer Science
Ashton Bio Engineering
David Business Analytics
Shaun Music Production and Engineering

Try out these links below:

  • Definitely not a Rick roll video (it's too old!)

  • About Windows 95!
  • Why does my website looks from the 90's and what's with my obsession with Windows 95?

    Honestly i am not even a 90's kid. I was born in 2000. But whatever tech i have seen back in the day was pretty similar and now i have a obsession of the old stuff and the phases i have been through. My music is mostly from the 80's 90's and 00's and early 2010's. There was some magic back then which i can't find it now unfortunately. There are very few things out there which excites me. Maybe that's what growing up is like, you lose excitement as you grow up. And about Windows 95? Well there is that nostalgia factor attached to it and reminds me about how simple times were. I was not even born when it was launched but the "Home Computer" had the windows 95 and i used to learn stuff from there. And especially when i started using the internet, most websites looked like as static as this WebPage.